Finding Allah in the Qur’an: Jack Miles
Smithsonian Associates Interview Series
Welcome to the Not Old Better Show, I’m your host Paul Vogelzang, and this is episode number 299
As part of our Smithsonian Associates, Art of Living, series, our guest today is Jack Miles, left. Jack Miles is a distinguished professor emeritus of English and religious studies at the University of California, Irvine, and senior fellow for religion and international affairs with the Pacific Council on International Policy. He is the winner of a 1996 Pulitzer Prize for his book God: A Biography and a recipient of Guggenheim and MacArthur fellowships. Jack Miles’ newest book is titled, “God in the Qur’an.”
Today on The Not Old Better Show we’ll be talking with Jack Miles about the Muslim faith, Allah, Islam, and we’ll try to answer questions in a way for Muslims and non-Muslims alike to better understand and interpret the beliefs of a people and the deity whom they worship. Familiar to our Not Old Better Show audience will be the theme of understanding, why this is important to other religions, perhaps even reading other scriptures and seeing their point of view.
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