Healthy Aging with Go4Life
Interview with National Institute on Aging’s Stephanie Dailey
Today’s show is part of our Not Old Better Show Fitness Fridayseries, and it’s another great one in our Fitness Friday programs. We’ve got an important story about an important program from the National Institute on Aging, one of the 27 institutes and Centers at the National Institutes of Health. The Go4Lifeprogram is evidence based health and exercise and offers tips, tool kits, and videos, all of which are free, to keep our aging minds motivated and our bodies fit.
As all of us in The Not Old Betteraudience know, today, the population in the world is older than ever before. The National Institute on Aging (NIA)at NIH supports and conducts research to better understand the aging process, as well as diseases and conditions that can occur as we grow older. And, the resources from NIA Go4Lifeprogram, are vast and you can access them for free.
Our guest today, Stephanie Daileywho is NIAdirector of the national Go4Lifeexercise and physical activity campaign for older people.
Join me today as we talk about better health through exercise with Stephanie Dailey, National Institute on Aging.