How To Live to 100 with Dr. John Whyte
Smithsonian Associates, Interview Series
Welcome to the Not Old Better Show, I’m your host Paul Vogelzang, and this is episode number 317. Today’s show is brought to by Casper
As part of our Smithsonian Associates, Art of Living, series, our guest today is Dr John Whyte. (below left) Dr. John Whyte, a previous guest on the show, and a fan favorite, is the author of several books on health, and is the chief medical officer at WebMD.
Our guest today, Physician John Whyte has become a popular Smithsonian Associates speaker in recent years, empowering audiences to be better advocates for their own health. With his trademark insights and wit, Dr Whyte will explain how to sort through conflicting advice, sensational headlines, and short-lived fads to make yourself stronger, healthier, and better educated about your own body.
Dr. Whyte gathers all his best advice in a one-day seminar, designed to guide you through a comprehensive look at critical aspects of personal health. Smithsonian Associates participants will leave educated, engaged, and entertained — and with new tools to approach the job of staying healthy. February 9, 2019 Smithsonian Associates program titled How To Live To Be 100 with Dr. John Whyte,and please join me in welcoming to the show via internet phone, Dr. John Whyte.
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