Lord Martin Rees — Astronomer Royal, Yesterday’s Soyuz Crash, and Much More…
Smithsonian Associates, Interview Series
Welcome to the Not Old Better Show, I’m your host Paul Vogelzang, and this is episode number 277.
As part of our Smithsonian Associates, Art of Living, Inside Science series, our guest today is Lord Martin Rees, author of the new book, ‘On The Future: Prospects For Humanity.’ Lord Martin Rees is the Astronomer Royal to the British monarchy, and provides scientific and astronomical perspective, research and guidance to the Queen, and others throughout the world. Lord Martin Rees is author of the new book, ‘On the Future: Prospects for Humanity.’
Today on The Not Old Better Show, cosmologist and astrophysicist Lord Martin Rees, who, again holds the position of Astronomer Royal, will argue that we must think rationally, globally, collectively and optimistically about the long term future of humanity.
Learn more about this episode of The Not Old Better Showat https://notold-better.com
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