Nik Sharma’s Table: Spiced by a World of Flavors
Smithsonian Associates, Interview Series
Welcome to the Not Old Better Show,I’m your host Paul Vogelzang, and this is episode number 272.
As part of our Smithsonian Associates, Art of Living series, we’re joined today by author, chef, columnist for the San Francisco, Nik Sharma,who’ll be discussing his new book, Season: Big Flavors, Beautiful Food.
What a pleasure it is for me to be talking with chef Nik Sharma today. When Nik Sharma emigrated from Bombay to the United States at 21, he quickly learned to adapt his traditional Indian dishes to the new flavors he experienced in the Midwest. When he married a Southerner, the flavors of the American South became a part of his recipes as well. Now a Sunday columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle whose own distinctive photography illustrates his recipes, Sharma has collected his globally influenced approach to eating in his first book, Season: Big Flavors, Beautiful Food.
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