The Triumph of Christianity
Interview with Dr. Bart Ehrman
Smithsonian Associates, Interview Series
As part of our Smithsonian Associates, Art of Living series, our guest today on The Not Old Better Show is Dr. Bart Ehrman. Dr Ehrman is the author of more than thirty books, including the New York Times bestsellers Misquoting Jesus and How Jesus Became God.
Dr Ehrman is the James A. Gray distinguished professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Dr Ehrman is a leading authority on the New Testament and the history of early Christianity. Dr Ehrman will share stories, research and details from his new book, “The Triumph of Christianity,” its power, influence and success politically, socially, as well as the arts, and many other areas of history, all influenced heavily by the Christian church.
Dr. Bart Ehrman will be at the Smithsonian Associates program presenting a day long series about Christianity’s Triumph. How Faith Conquered an Empire, Saturday, February 10, 2018, 9:30AM at the Ripley Center in Washington DC. The event is sold out, so check the Smithsonian Associates web site for details about how to be added to the wait list.