Thomas MacEntee, Genealogy Expert: Tips, Advice and Innovation
The Not Old Better Show, Backstory Genealogy Series
Welcome to The Not Old Better Show, BackStory Genealogy Series, I’m Paul Vogelzang and this is episode #293.
As part of our Backstory Genealogy series, we are joined today by Thomas MacEntee, DNA Bargains, Genealogy Bargains, Abundant Genealogy . Thomas MacEntee is a regular guest, and a favorite of The Not Old Better Showaudience. Thomas MacEntee is back with some excellent tips, advice, new innovations in genealogy, and first hand expertise for all in the genealogy community.
Check out the Holiday Gift Guide — DNA, Genealogy and Family History. The BEST Black Fridayand Cyber Monday deals on DNA test kits, genealogy and family history items are all in the Holiday Gift Guide at Genealogy Bargains:
Also, the Family Stories Toolbox, which is FREE- it is a 10 page resource list on ways to preserve and share family stories: